Erick Meyenberg: The Wheel Bears No Resemblance to a Leg

Erick Meyenberg: The Wheel Bears No Resemblance to a Leg

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Author/Contributor(s): Meyenberg, Erick ; Marta, Karen ; Rangel, Gabriela ; Sanromán, Lucía ; Cullinan, Deborah ; Segal, Susan ; Sánchez, Osvaldo ; Rangel, Gabriela ; Sanromán, Lucía
Publisher: Americas Society
Date: 08/22/2017
Binding: Paperback
Condition: NEW

This book documents the work that Mexican artist Erick Meyenberg (born 1980) produced during a residency at in-Site/Casa Gallina in Mexico City--a participatory piece involving a local high-school marching band.