Weißes Geld/Schwarze Macht: Die überraschende Geschichte der Afroamerikanischen Studien und die Rassenkrise im Hochschulwesen

Weißes Geld/Schwarze Macht: Die überraschende Geschichte der Afroamerikanischen Studien und die Rassenkrise im Hochschulwesen

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Author/Contributor(s): Rooks, Noliwe
Publisher: Beacon Press
Date: 02/15/2007
Binding: Paperback
Condition: NEW
The history of African American studies is often told as a heroic tale, with compelling images of black power and passionate African American students who refused to take no for an answer. Noliwe M. Rooks argues for the recognition of another story, which proves that many of the programs that survived actually began as a result of white philanthropy. With unflinching honesty, Rooks shows that the only way to create a stable future for African American studies is by confronting its complex past.