We set up the Massive Bookshop to make it relatively easy for us to support community projects and organizing efforts where we and our customers live. By keeping our overhead low, we can supply you with books without taking out loans, renting a storefront, or doing a lot of work. Any profits that we have generated have gone to individuals and groups who actually do a lot of work but don't get paid for it.

In 2022, we started committing all profits from our book sales toward expanding the capacity of community bail funds. Through our partnership with Decarcerate Western Mass and other similar groups in other states, we've been using the bookstore to bail people out of jail.

You can see the contributions we've made to bail funds as well as other abolitionist projects in the table below. The way that funds are currently distributed is relatively straightforward: Every three months, we tally up the tips we've received at checkout (thank you!), double that sum with a "match" from our book sales, then divide the final total among the bail funds operating where we have the most customers.

If you're part of a group posting bails or providing jail support where you live and you have an idea for how the Massive Bookshop might support you, please let us know. We are always happy to make new Friends.