Leben, wenn ein junger Freund Selbstmord begeht: oder sogar anfängt, darüber zu reden

Leben, wenn ein junger Freund Selbstmord begeht: oder sogar anfängt, darüber zu reden

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Author/Contributor(s): Grollman, Earl A.
Publisher: Beacon Press
Date: 09/10/1999
Binding: Paperback
Condition: NEW
In the last thirty years, the suicide rate among young people has tripled. In this book addressed to the young survivors of this epidemic, Earl A. Grollman, the internationally known lecturer, writer, and grief counselor, and Max Malikow, a psychotherapist and pastoral counselor, offer solace and guidance to adolescents who are confronted with someone of their own age who is contemplating or has committed suicide.